Yesterday, the production of the anime adaptation of the manga Ayakashi Triangle reported that the series will be restarted from its first episode on July 10 in Japan. This was quite expected news, especially since the erotic sex-swapping series had become popular for its high erotic content. However, there was only one problem behind all this: the series includes heavy censorship.
It should be remembered that a large number of moments involving eroticism and nudity occur in the series, but these are always covered by huge stickers of the cat Shirogane. This type of censorship is supposed to be “funny”, but sometimes these stickers took up half of the character’s body, so much so that it became frustrating to see this type of content.
The worst thing is that the series is adequately rated “R+”, that is, an adult series, and that it is broadcast at 1 in the morning in Japan. In addition, it is also broadcast through AT-X where it is supposed to be shown without censorship, but it did not.
Maybe thinking about this, the production reported that censorship “will be reduced”and although some thought that it would finally be broadcast without censorship on television or streaming services, in reality they only reported that the censorship stickers would be smaller in this new broadcast:
Fortunately, it seems that there is indeed an uncensored version planned on Blu-ray/DVD. According to previous announcements, the Blu-ray/DVD will include the “Nekokaburanai Ver. (猫かぶらない版)“. Unfortunately, since the anime was suspended from airing in January this year, the first Blu-ray/DVD pack will be out until September this year, so it will be a long time before we can see if these physical packages really will not include censorship.
Anyway, the “less censorship” news was received positively by Japanese fans:
- «Excellent!».
- «Is it possible that the previous version will become “rare content” that can’t be found anywhere else?».
- «Well, the censorship is smaller, but it’s still there».
- «Wasn’t this just a change to the censorship PNGs? I find it ridiculous to announce this as something new».
- «It seems that we are in a time where an anime that is supposed to be erotic is broadcast with censorship even during a night time slot and on a television station that allows nudity.».
- «Damn cat! I’m sick of it!».