On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kimitake Yoshioka, Temple: No One Can Live on Loneliness, a new promotional image of the project was revealed. The press release listed that Aimi will perform the opening theme titled “Bonnou Paradise“, and announces more members of the voice cast, including:
- Chiaki Takahashi as Kiki, the head priestess.
- Chika Anzai as Nyagosuke, a cat who lives in the temple.
The premiere is scheduled for next July in Japan.. For his part, Yoshioka began publishing the manga through the digital service Comic Days from the publisher kodansha in September 2018, and is still in publication. The author is perhaps best known for being the illustrator of the manga. Grand Bluewhich is written by Kenji Inoue and which also inspired its own anime adaptation.
voice cast
- masayuki akasaka as Akemitsu Akagami.
- Aimi like Yuzuki Aoba.
- Yuu Serizawa like Tsukuyō Aoba.
- Nanami Yamashita like Kurage Aoba.
- Madoka Asahina like Mia Christoph.
- sumire uesaka like Kagura Baldwin.
Production team
- kazuomi kōga (Kanojo, Okarishimasu, Ganbare, Douki-chan, Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai) is in charge of directing the anime at the studios Gekkou.
- Youhei Kashii (Isekai One Turn Kill Nee-san: Ane Douhan no Isekai Seikatsu Hajimemashita, Battle Athletess Daiundoukai: ReSTART!) is in charge of writing and supervising the scripts.
- Masato Katsumata (Go-toubun no Hanayome, Grisaia: Phantom Trigger THE ANIMATION) is in charge of character design and animation direction.
Synopsis of Temple
Akemitsu Akegami was always told by his father that “no one can live alone”… but he is very determined. After all, his father sure as hell didn’t mean it with the best of intentions, and Akemitsu has no desire to become like that creep. But when a chance encounter with a young woman leaves him with too impure thoughts, he decides to do what he must: become a Buddhist monk and renounce worldly customs. But the temple he decides to dedicate himself to… is it full of women? And that same young lady is also there? What can a man do?