Twitter It is a great platform, with much more lax rules than Facebook. And now that Twitter Blue allows the publication of extensive videos, knowing how to search correctly one could find full episodes of anime or even hentai available within the platform.
But you will not find this with a simple search on Twitter, but you have to make use of the calls “advanced tools“. For example, if you want the search to return only images, you add “filter: images” to the search, or if you want to find only the popular posts with more than 5,000 reactions, then add “min_faves:5000” to your search. There really are a lot of tools to enrich a Twitter search, but it seems that Japanese netizens discovered a very particular combination.
It was the Twitter user “@pegumo931” who shared the curious information, revealing that if you type in the search box the combination “filter:follows -filter:safe“, you will create a Timeline (that is, a home page) showing only posts that Twitter or the community deemed sensitive (nudity, pornography, hate speech, etc.). It really is a great curiosity, but why does it work?
The first term “filter:follows” causes the search to only show posts made by the users you follow, while the second term “-filter:safe” ignores posts deemed “safe”. The dash at the beginning causes the search to ignore results that match the specified filter. In fact, the same thing works with nhentai, since if you do a search and add, for example, “-netorare”, the search will skip all hentai of this genre.
Anyway, as you may have noticed, this will depend on what kind of accounts you follow on Twitter. That is why they called it a “Timeline”, because only posts from the people you follow will appear. So if you’re looking for just “-filter:safe” you should find dangerous posts from all over the world. But be careful, not everyone on Twitter is pretty girls, you’d be surprised to know the kind of people you can find on this social network.