The rom-com genre in the world of anime has captivated audiences around the world with its emotionally-filled plots, comedic moments, and tangled love affairs. A recent survey conducted by the Japanese media Goo Ranking reveals the most beloved romantic comedy anime by fans. More than 3,000 Japanese took part in this survey to determine their favorite title in this enchanting genre.
Romantic comedies in anime are known for their ability to blend humorous situations with emotional elements and evolving love relationships. These series often explore the dynamics of love and friendship between main characters, often in school or everyday settings. Authentic emotions and comedic moments combine to create unique and memorable experiences for viewers.
At the center of this genre is the franchise “Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru“, also known as “oregairu“. This anime has won the hearts of fans with its fresh and heartfelt plot that follows the lives of Hachiman Hikigaya, Yukino Yukinoshita, and Yui Yuigahama as they navigate the challenges of relationships and teenage life. The series has been praised for its realistic exploration of the characters’ inner conflicts and its mature focus on themes of friendship and love.
In the Goo Ranking poll, “Oregairu” managed to secure the No. 1 spot for Fan Favorite Rom-Com. The series has left a lasting impression on viewers with its mix of witty dialogue, heartwarming moments, and endearing characters. The emotional connection that viewers have developed with the protagonists has cemented their place in the hearts of the audience.
But, without going any further, let’s review the results: