In recent days on social networks in the West, an interview with Hajime Isayamaauthor of the popular franchise Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), has become a trend. In this exchange, The author was asked if he had any “fetish” he would like to share with fans, to which the author responded that it would be NTR (Netorare)that is, stories of infidelity.
- Isayama: Is there anything weird I like by any chance, you ask. If by any chance I have something resembling a fetish, I think that when I first read “Miyamoto kara Kimi e” by Hideki Arai-sensei, I became fond of NTR (netorare). Although it is limited to 2D, it is exciting.
- Interviewer: Although it would suck if it happened in real life.
- Isayama: That kind of thing would be unacceptable in real life, and beyond unbearable. Now I feel a little sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have said so much at the end.
- Interviewer: Do you have any final words?
- Isayama: I think by the time this interview is over, you’ll probably lose your sense of reality. Uhh. I have also brought the following pages in color, please sign them.
This interview led fans to wonder why Japanese people in general, and now even manga authors, like the NTR (netorare) genre so much, and one comment garnered a lot of responses by stating the following :
- «Netorare (NTR) is popular because it usually shows a woman being “stolen” from a decent guy, by a disgusting nasty guy. The type of man hentai manga is aimed at. It’s like it gives pathetic virgin losers hope that, maybe one day, they too can steal a woman from a better man. That, and the desire to see forced negative emotions on the one being cheated on (the guy), comes from some kind of jealousy.».
And well, is this interview real? Because the only evidence is a cropped fragment of what appears to be a photograph, it is difficult to do a reverse search and find the original article from which it was published. Fortunately, the Internet is a huge community, and some members set out to find the source of the information only to discover one thing: it is completely real.
The interview by the editor Gou Yoshida It is part of the bookNingen Kokuho Subculture Den (人間コク宝 サブカル伝)“, published in February 2014 in Japan. The book has a section of sixteen pages dedicated to the author Hajime Isayamabut little is asked about the franchise Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), but focuses more on his personal life and tastes.
In fact, the author himself referenced this interview three years later, explaining that “I had said some things just to sound cool“:
- «When my sleeves started selling, I thought, “Am I different from everyone else? Maybe I’m a star?” I felt like one. When I was at the peak of that feeling, Gou Yoshida interviewed me, and things were said that I wouldn’t believe now (laughs). I think I had the feeling that I had to say something interesting because it was Gou-san’s interview. But after that, I had a lot of setbacks and was criticized. When I thought, “Oh, so I’m not a star,” I felt a lot better. I felt kind of happy».
Fountain: reddit