The work of aka akasaka, Oshi no Kohas become a worldwide and constant trend since the anime adaptation premiered in the spring of this year. Starting as a story where the idol Ai Hoshino tries to hide her twin sons from the public. (who are actually reincarnations of two of his fans), takes an unexpected turn when Ai is murdered by a stalker who felt “betrayed” when he found out she had children.
Thus, Oshi no Ko becomes a story of drama and mystery, since Aqua, the male twin, becomes the protagonist and the manga follows his entire path in the entertainment industry, while his life mission is to find and punish his mother’s murderer. Ai Hoshino’s death scene is definitely one of the most shocking moments in anime this year, and that was evidenced recently.
A video on Twitter recently became a trend, where a group of students in Taiwan presented a school play that recreates the murder of Ai Hoshino in Oshi no Ko, accompanied by some dance segments. This shows the enormous international popularity of the series, as even outside of Japan, fans are willing to put in the time and effort to celebrate this story.
It seems that fans are finding new and creative ways to show their love for the work, reflecting the profound influence it has had on Asian society. However, some have criticized the lack of expressiveness of the students, who do not seem to be trying their best with their interpretations. Despite the criticism, the fact that Oshi no Ko inspires so many fans around the world is a testament to the lasting impact the series has had on popular culture.
Fountain: Yaraon!